Dowling Neylan

41 Saltwater Avenue, Noosa Waters, Queensland 4566


926 m2

East/North-East Aspect With Long Water Views

| Explore the Noosa waterways from your home every weekend
| 926 square metre block
| 15 metre water front
| Long views (over 500m) along canals to north-east and south-east
| Perfect E/NE aspect
| 1km flat walk to Gympie Tce restaurants
| Woolworths and wine shops 5 minutes walk
| Easement along northern boundary provides buffer to adjacent property

Exclusive to Dan Neylan 0412 764 370 & Scott Cowley 0414 544 420


  • 278
  • Sold
  • Noosa Waters
  • Queensland
  • SOLD


Contact The Agent

Scott Cowley &  Dan Neylan

Scott Cowley & Dan Neylan

0414 544 420

0412 764 370


5447 3855

Noosa: 1/168 Noosa Parade, Noosa Sound Q 4566

Enquiry Form


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