Dowling Neylan

Lot 80 Rani Circuit, Noosaville, Queensland 4566


652 m2

Last Block Left!

Noosa Northrise has almost sold out and construction is full steam ahead. This land development has been a huge success, every stage selling out in record time.This is your last chance to join in the success and be part of this wonderful estate.

Located in the heart of Noosa so close to everything, Noosa Waters, Noosa River, the Civic shopping area, and of course Noosaville resteraunts and shopping.

This SELL OUT is just days away, contact us now and secure the final premium allotment

Surrounded by brand new quality homes, you can design and construct a residence to suit your own personal style.

Please call Dowling & Neylan on 07 5447 3855 for further information or to inspect the blocks.

| Level 652sqm allotment

| Cleared site

| Quiet neighbourhood

| Surrounded by brand new quality homes

| Close to Noosa Civic, its surrounding business and services hub

| Just minutes from healthcare facilities and your choice of schools

| Within easy walking distance of Noosa River, restaurants and shopping


  • 2340
  • Sold
  • Noosaville
  • Queensland
  • SOLD


Floor Plan

Contact The Agent

Sam Plummer and Karen Bester

Sam Plummer and Karen Bester

0412 585 494

0411 166 680


5447 3855

Noosa: 1/168 Noosa Parade, Noosa Sound Q 4566

Enquiry Form


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